Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Mirror Has Two Faces

I had a wonderful lesson in friendship this weekend
Often, I feel like everything tells us girls that our women friends
need to constantly lift us up, make us feel good about ourselves,
boost our egos and listen to our drama without judgement.
That does make a pretty good friend, I must say
what about the friend who helps you look in the mirror
to see your face from her point of view.
The one who keeps you honest, even when you aren't being honest with yourself.
The one who calls you on your crap, let's you know you arent' really fooling anyone
with your facade, and who isn't going to let you 
keep lying to yourself.

I can see what you are thinking
eeeck! toxic friend!
And, yes, some of them are.
But what would you think if I told you that a true soulmate
isn't the person who you always groove with,
the one where everything is in sync and you finish each other's thoughts.
What if I told you that your  REAL soulmate
is put in your path to show you the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime.
The person who is strong where you are weak, and weak where you are strong.
The one who you disagree with hurt each others feelings, even if it 
wasn't intentional.
What if that true soulmate, or friend
sometime made you a little bit crazy.
are all each other's teachers
Makes you think a little bit differently about your reltationships
doesn't it.
What if tomorrow,
you looked at your more difficult relationships
(not abusive, mind that case run fast in the opposite direction)
and you saw those people as teacher's
that God has intentionally put on your path
so you could learn your life's lessons.
So you could see your other reflection in the mirror

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