Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sometimes I have an inner struggle with what I do for a career and what I believe in for myself.
Everything I do for my career has to do with 
clothing and skincare (abeit, GREAT clothing and amazing skincare)
Everything I believe about my life, my friends and my family
is that more important than anything we must have 

Am I a total hypocrite? Unbelievably shallow?
 I would like to think not, but trust me...I have ahead a few conversations with myself about this very thing.
How can I do what I do and believe what I believe?

Well...I am a firm believer that the most beautiful people are shining their light from the inside.  You know what I am talking about...those people who seem to glow...who may not be model-worthy, or stunning, but who have that something that you can't pt your finger on, that makes them
well, beautiful.
Then there are those who have beauty inside them, but they just don't know it yet. They have let their outsides determine how they feel on the inside. They are hiding their inner and their outer beauty behind bad skin, or unflattering clothes because they can't see it for themselves.
they feel so bad about their outsides that they don't think anyone would care about their insides.

Then there are the rest

The ones who everyone else looks at as fairly put-together, capable and good-hearted...
but who let small things about our appearance become excuses for why they are not engaging fully in the world.

Admit it...you have had a pimple...a bad hair day...a "nothing to wear day"
and you have let it affect your entire mood. you have let it ruin your day.
I know you are not proud if it! I'm not either!
And we all do it!
Am I saying that a fab new jacket will change your life, or wrinkle-fighting cream will
make you the Queen of Sheba?
Nope...that would be totally pathetic and shameless pandering for sales on my part.
Not gonna do it.
What I AM saying is that we need to stop letting these things be excuses for not being our best selves.
If you don't like something...you OWE it to yourself, to the UNIVERSE to figure out what it is. If it is holding you back there is 
in doing something about it.  WE are real people here. 
As much as I admire Mother Theresa 
(she is truly one of my heroes)
I am NEVER going to be that selfless...I am ALWAYS going to want that pair of jeans that makes my ass look amazing. Let's be real...
Because I know that realistically...
when I feel good, I am good.
I feel amazing.
I have confidence...I am suddenly a hyped-up version of my normal self and 
stepping out of my little zone of comfort
is an adventure rather than an anxiety trip.
Even more...I FEEL that I have a purpose
 (and we ALL do dear girls! There are  no accidents...you are HERE for a REASON and the you who is hiding behind those excuses is keeping you from finding your true purpose on this earth!)
Now...I FULLY realize that at this point I may be losing some of you. 
am I saying that to feel good you need to have a size 6 little fanny that looks like 
Jennifer Aniston in a pair of jeans?
(I know you are thinking that!!)
Trust me.. one of the most beautiful women I know is a size 16.
She is gorgeous...stunning... on the inside and the outside and she
Ask my husband...he thinks so too...
this is not about size, so don't go there!
The message here??
Do whatever little thing you have to do
whether it is hair, or makeup
or skincare or clothes
running a 5K, reading a book, eating well
praying, meditating
or even getting  a tattoo
Whatever it is...
or materialistic.
And it is not little...
It's your doorway.
It's your gateway...opening up to the path... to the
BE YOU iful
YOU who lives behind the skin.
The Universe wants your best self to 
We'll notice!!
You are amazing, dear girl. 
Let your light shine!

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