Monday, June 25, 2012

It's Complicated

It's messy.
People get sick, people hurt each other.
We fail ourselves, we fail classes and jobs.

We assume motives and create stories
that might not be real.

We become addicted to things...
alcohol, people, technology, 

We blame, we envy, we pretend.

We all do it, and we all have it.
The complicated stuff of life.

Yet we insist on assuming that other people's lives
are so much easier than ours.
We look at them with longing for how joyful and simple 
their existence must be, when we really should remember
that everybody is struggling with something.

How much happier would we be
if we all could find a way
to uncomplicate
the complicated.

To assume no motive.
Instead forgive the inner struggle.

To give up envy
and water our own gardens so we can
have gratitude for
what is beautiful about our own life.

To love ourselves enough
that we don't have to try to
find it in a bottle, a bag or a bum
 because we
are always going to 
come up empty.

To be brave enough to be real.
Even though real
isn't always pretty.

And to remember
that we are all just trying to
find a dream.

We all have been put here
with lessons to learn.

Our job of life is to learn them.
Not blame others for them.
Not cry and whine because it isn't easy.
Learn them and move on.

Learn them and live.
Learn them and 
thank your lucky stars.

As unfair as it is,
I think those who are dying
are some of the most blessed.

Faced with death, 
life becomes amazingly simple.
Love is all there is.

The rest is just....

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