Monday, January 2, 2012

At Your Service

At the end of my yoga class today,
our brilliant teacher (Hi Em!) lead us in a guided meditation and did a 
reading about service.
Yes, service...

Our mission on this earth is to be of service to others.
Totally flies in the face of everything our society promotes.
It's every man for himself in this economy, and that is exactly why
it is so important to change our paradigms.

As I listened to the words she recited, I realized how selfish I have been
in my personal endeavors 
both in career and at home, I have not been'service minded.
Sure...I do plenty for others.
I am the mother of two middle schoolers 
who appear to enjoy being waited upon.
A lot.

I do a lot of serving...
dinner, folded clothes, rides to friend's houses,
advice, name it, I can serve it.
Good thing I waited tables in college...I got a lot of practice.

My being of service is not the issue.
My attitude, however, is.
I do a lot of this begrudgingly.
I HATE to put clean clothes away and unload the dishwasher,
so every time I do it I have a conversation in my head
with the nice lady who lives there (read martyr).
She always agrees with me that I am completely under appreciated.
I like her.

My work over the past year, involves a lot of customer service.
There is no question that I understand  customer service is the key
to a thriving business.
But I have to be honest that I don't love some of the
administrative "duties" that go along with that customer service.
I have been focused on results, thinking about MY goals, MY paycheck,
MY future.
Doing those "customer service" duties, at times, has been a means to an end.
It's smart business, but a bad way to live.

The epiphany today
was that our purpose is not just about serving others,
it is about providing that service with grace and gratitude.

Think how your outlook would change if you viewed folding the laundry
with a mindset that you are providing love to your family with every fold.

Can you really imagine doing your work, for even an hour, without thinking of
what you are going to get out of, a promotion,
 keeping your job.
Just doing what you can for others...customers and colleagues...because you can.

Be're laughing right now.
Clearly you think I should just go join an ashram and say "Om" all day.
I know you do!

But stay with me kids...I have a point.

Your service to others is your gift.
Being selfless is only really selfless if you give to others with no 
expectation of anything in return.

Turn your focus outward and everything in your life will change...for the better.
It won't be easy.
I am so programmed to dial up my little friend in my head as I go about my daily
routine, that she will surely feel neglected when I don't call on her.
She can be kind of righteous, and she is such a Negative Nellie, that
maybe a few days without her commiserating will be good.

I am going to have to cut her loose.
Learn how to enjoy the acts of love I am giving my family and my business.
Focus on what I can do for others.
Because I have a sneaking suspicion that when I do
I will find contentment, joy and peace.
And I will probably find rewards far greater than I could ever imagine.

You see, the gift of service is one you give yourself.
Crazy, isn't it.

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