Friday, December 9, 2011

Junk Food

(No, this isn't about what you think it is)

I heard this amazing analogy yesterday
It was one of those you hear and suddenly you stop in your tracks
(or in my case, on the carpet)
and think 
"Wow...major AHA"

I was listening to a call in radio show and the caller was
wondering why, even though she knew better
she was critical and judgmental sometimes,
that it felt kind of good while she was doing it, but she always felt bad afterwards...
then she said,

"It's kind of like eating junk food"

It was truly one of those lightbulb moments.
I was standing in my living room, knee deep in 
clothing I was tagging for a sample sale, 
and I dropped my pen...literally.

How simple is that.
But how oh-so true.

Apply to just about any personal character flaw and the 
analogy is just too right on.
Judgement, Criticism, Gossip, Righteousness,
Snobbiness, Snottiness, Meanness,
Rudeness...and on and on.

When we take that bite...even though we know we shouldn't,
even though we know it will make us feel terrible later,
and we will be filled with regret,
we just can't help it.  It just tastes soooo good to take a big chomp off that slice of  sarcasm,

We can even pretend like we didn't really know how many calories and fat were in that entire bag of "Meano's" we just
downed, but denial  doesn't negate the calories 
(and the 2 pounds gained)
just like it doesn't negate the heaviness of regret
that comes from feeding our ego
a junk food diet of
bad behavior.

So now the question I know you are all asking...
does eating a healthy diet of 
Kindness, Love, Compassion
and Humility
 mean we can never, ever
have a Hershey's "Diss" here and there?

Sadly, yes.
Unless, of course,  it is a special occasion, 
and the person handing you your meal
serves it up cold and spits on your food.

Then he's fair game.
Eat him up,
and give him his just desserts.

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