Saturday, December 31, 2011


I suck at this
and it is the very thing I need to work on.
Being no one but who I am..
Everything about my upbringing, my Libra personality
my "girl-ness" is about
As women we get really good at the
the image of the do it all perfectly-
then we become wives and mothers,
and the whole thing gets jacked up another notch.
Do you bake those chocolate chip cookies for school treats or did you buy them (holy mother fail!)?
Is your house perfectly organized and picked up all the time,
or do you throw stuff in the hall closet to make it look that way(um...yep!)?
Are you a jean snob (yes), a product junkie (uh huh), 
do you make like you have it all together and are hoping desperately that no one finds out your brain feels like that jumble of wires you are hiding underneath your desk (check, check, check).
It takes a lot of work to maintain this girl.
I have spent a lifetime bending and twisting myself into the
pretzel I think other people want me to be.
And...I did it quite willingly,
 because I thought that was how to make other people feel
Start speaking your truth a little, and those same people
become uncomfortable...
(Heck...I'M uncomfortable!!)
they want to know what is wrong with you,
why you don't fall in line with everything they think you should be.
You want to know what is wrong with yourself.
Why does it seem like everyone else has it all worked out and you are the only one who dares to admit that you don't.

It can be unnerving, but also unbelievably freeing...

So 2012, I have decided, is going to be the year I live in truth.
Not an  in-your-face, rebellious kind of truth,
or a righteous I'm-so-evolved kind of truth,
but a humble, low-key, honest,
day-to-day truth.
I imagine I will have to remind myself each morning that this is
where I want to this truthfulness.
Truth be told  :)   
it is easy to sit here and make this resolution today,
but in the middle of February, when we all have 
long since forgotten our lofty new year's promises,
that is when it will count.
Will I approach the day with honesty, integrity and 
practice living in the moment and being as straight-up as possible with myself
and those around me, or will I let it slide and revert back into the people-pleasing and 
living up to the persona, like I have so may times before?
It won't be easy, I am certain. scares me to death.
I will probably have a few demerits on my Truth Report Card,
but I won't apologize for buying cookies, a messed-up closet, or for not being the person someone else thinks I should be...
but  I am pretty sure it will be worth it.
Someone far greater than I made me this way for a reason.
Gave me the lessons I needed to learn in this lifetime, and gave me the struggles to learn them.
Truth is...the reward comes from learning the lessons
and honoring the authenticity of your soul.

Who's with me?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Take Two Aspirin and Call Me Next Year

(Disclaimer...this was written two weeks ago...there is no holiday, family drama that provoked this blog...just a conversation with my sister awhile ago about people who suck the life out of us)

One of my new favorite terms...

emotional hangover.

OMG, it's really true.
Think about all the times you've had one.
After a big old fashioned bender of a fight...
whether it is a screaming match kind, 
or (my personal non-favorite)
passive-aggressive, inuendo tossing, not-so-sure-what-just-happened
Sometimes they just make you have to sleep it off  and eat something
really comfy for breakfast.
Some vacuum the life out of you for days.
Make you a little fuzzy around the edges.
First it just sucks.
you head hurts...your heart hurts,
then, as the day wears on, you are just a little bit slow.
A little bit confused...
and thinking...what really happened?
Maybe you were just so intoxicated by the drama of it all,
that you can't quite put your finger on what went down.

you remember who took the first shot, but after
downing shot after shot, it starts to get hazy.

What gets me is the people out there 
I will call them the emotionoholics, thank you
who can keep pouring and  keep partying
binging day after day on the toxic liquor, conditioned so well, 
that they no longer feel the effects of the hangover. 
But the rest of us have to deal with their  drunk debating,
their inhibition-less swaying and swerving, and learn to just get out of the way.

The worst ones, however, are the ones that sneak up on you.
The ones who keep pouring just a little more in your tank when your back is turned,
so you aren't paying attention to how much you are taking in.
It's subtle.
Maybe the bitter liquor is masked with sweetness.
Look out for those...those are the hangovers that really come back to bite you.
(Remembering my mother's advice when I went to college...don't drink the sweet stuff,
it's never sweet coming back up...good advice...saved me many a night )
The ones' that seem all sugary and innocent,
 are really Kamikazi's that will hit you out of nowhere!

I have decided it is really all the same disease, if you haven't figured that out by now :)
Doesn't matter what the "ism" is,
its all the same to me.
I've gotten pretty good at spotting them a mile away.
And I have decided for my own safety and sanity, it is best to regard these drunkards from a comfortable 
Much like you do that relative at a wedding...
and yes, we all have one.
Wave across the room, smile nicely, and when they start to head your way,
put your cell phone to your ear, look concerned and 
head to the nearest exit.
Besides...they're all ready stumbling.
No need to risk vomit on your shoes.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Life In The Sugar-Free Lane

It's been two weeks since I gave up sugar.
And since many of you have asked me about my decision to 
go sugar-free, I thought I would give you an update.

In two weeks I have had only a minute amount of sugar.
The only sweetener I have had is Stevia in my coffee,
and a 1/2 of a Diet Coke to see how it tasted.
(very sweet).
 Yes me...the mother who stashes the Halloween candy in the 
cupboard above the fridge and lies to my children that I 
threw it away.
Me, who has been busted more times than I want to say, standing at the open refrigerator with the whipped cream can tipped upside
down in my mouth.
Me, whose kids always knew there would be Sour Patch kids in 
the center console of the car.

How am I doing? 
Besides the fact that my husband and children
are rather annoyed at me and make it a point to
remind me EVERY DAY that THEY haven't given up sugar,
I am good.

I won't sugar coat it (ha!)
The first few days were hell. 
Sugar is a poison and is highly addictive, and I was a dime-bag junkie, as was evidenced by the my frantically searching the kitchen for four nights
looking for ANYTHING to satisfy my need for the sweet stuff.

 I was cranky with a capital C.
There was sugar everywhere I wasn't eating it.
I even had a couple of days where I felt sick and run down. I am certain now I was coming off my sugar high.

Trust me...myself and I had many conversations 
in my head. Debating whether it was REALLY necessary to do this.
Now! At Christmas! Was I a sadist? 
Yet, somehow, me, of oh so little willpower,
hung in there.

Today I am not even craving it.  
Sure, the sweet memory of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
still tests me, but it passes.

Now, I have always been a girl who believes wholeheartedly
in the law of moderation.
But after all of the reading I have done, I am learning 
what damage all of the sugar we consume as a nation, is doing.
Sugar, as I said, is a poison.  Too much and you'd go into
a diabetic coma and die.  The body has to produce
insulin to balance out the sugar in our blood.
Sugar is an inflammatory.
Inflammation, researchers are learning, is the leading cause of
diseases such as heart disease, auto immune disorders, hypertension, and cancer.
Cancer tumors feed on sugar to grow.

Am I advocating that you all go out and cold-turkey the sugar 
I can't even convince my family! 
These are things that people have to come to realize on their own...even my kids.
I could try to shove my sugar free cookies down their throats, 
and make them snack on only fruits and veggies,
but they would rebel.
I remember as a kid we had friends whose parents only had health food in the house, and they would come to ours
(not a junk food house by any means, but we had good, sugar-filled snacks and cereals) 
and they would go crazy on the stuff.
I am not naive enough to think my kids would buy in just because
their mother says its bad!
Let's be real!!

I am, however, trying to be more aware of what all of us put into our bodies on a daily basis.

I am certain I would have gone back to my ever-lovin' sugar ways by now if
I didn't feel so much much clearer.
Stomach bloating (sorry) is gone, and my skin,
 all ready looking fab because of my R and F skin products, is even clearer and brighter!
I have to say, even I, am a little shocked!
Plus, cutting down on inflammatory foods keeps my auto-immune disease in check.

The other, really tremendous thing I have tastes better.  I used to have a little coffee with my
Vanilla Caramel Coffeemate
(OMG...have you LOOKED at the ingredients in that stuff? Ish!)
Now, I put a smidge of Stevia and a little half and half
and I LOVE the bold taste of the coffee...a true first.

So maybe consider this...
as a New Year's Resolution...not now!
Surely I would be the most 
hated woman in Ames suggesting you quit sugar 10 days before Christmas!
Cut back on the sugar and see how you feel...way back.
Replace it with Stevia (a plant derivative 3 times as sweet as sugar) or small
amounts of Agave Nectar.  Stay away from the Equal
(that stuff will kill you!) and even the Splenda (not enough testing for my liking yet).

Will I go back to eating sugar again? 
Realistically...probably a little here and there.
Again...I do believe almost everything in moderation is
not bad...but I consider myself a recovering sugar addict,
and I know that one M&M can easily lead to 40.

I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime'I am combing Pinterest
for sugar-free baked goods of all kinds.

Oh yes! One good thing! Wine...because the sugar has turned into moderation, of course! :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Junk Food

(No, this isn't about what you think it is)

I heard this amazing analogy yesterday
It was one of those you hear and suddenly you stop in your tracks
(or in my case, on the carpet)
and think 
"Wow...major AHA"

I was listening to a call in radio show and the caller was
wondering why, even though she knew better
she was critical and judgmental sometimes,
that it felt kind of good while she was doing it, but she always felt bad afterwards...
then she said,

"It's kind of like eating junk food"

It was truly one of those lightbulb moments.
I was standing in my living room, knee deep in 
clothing I was tagging for a sample sale, 
and I dropped my pen...literally.

How simple is that.
But how oh-so true.

Apply to just about any personal character flaw and the 
analogy is just too right on.
Judgement, Criticism, Gossip, Righteousness,
Snobbiness, Snottiness, Meanness,
Rudeness...and on and on.

When we take that bite...even though we know we shouldn't,
even though we know it will make us feel terrible later,
and we will be filled with regret,
we just can't help it.  It just tastes soooo good to take a big chomp off that slice of  sarcasm,

We can even pretend like we didn't really know how many calories and fat were in that entire bag of "Meano's" we just
downed, but denial  doesn't negate the calories 
(and the 2 pounds gained)
just like it doesn't negate the heaviness of regret
that comes from feeding our ego
a junk food diet of
bad behavior.

So now the question I know you are all asking...
does eating a healthy diet of 
Kindness, Love, Compassion
and Humility
 mean we can never, ever
have a Hershey's "Diss" here and there?

Sadly, yes.
Unless, of course,  it is a special occasion, 
and the person handing you your meal
serves it up cold and spits on your food.

Then he's fair game.
Eat him up,
and give him his just desserts.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Take a Breath

I have long been fascinated by the
idea that in order to see change in our lives we must be willing to completely come apart.
To abandon our old ways and habits and forge a new path.
Often I paid lip service to the idea that
letting go was the way to move forward and improve
but I never really did it.
I read about and talked about living my truth,
but never completely figured out what it meant.

All these things sound great. They make sense and I wanted
so badly to be able to do it, 
but HOW?

I know I have told you I have taken a meditation class.
I take Kundalini yoga, which is a highly spiritual form of yoga.
I spend an hour in our chapel each week doing
Eucharistic Adoration.
An hour of complete silence and contemplation of God.
All of these practices have made me more centered and outwardly focused.
Yet I still struggle with the daily concept of letting go
and living my truth
even though I feel like I live now more than ever before.

I  have a long way to go.
To me, letting go comes with fear... 
losing control of what is comfortable and normal for me.
Letting go means I don't have control of the outcome
insert serious palpitations here

So how do you...practice letting go daily
without becoming a wimpy, dreamy passive noodle?
I mean, I know what it feels like physically when  I am trying to control that which I have no real control over.
It feels tight in my chest.
That's also how I know when I am not being truthful with myself, when I am gripped with fear, and when I am sad.
Funny how all those things evoke the same physical response.

Sometimes it take a LOT of long slow, deep breaths to breathe 
space back into my chest...but it works.
 Unconscious breathing is something we do all day, and all night.
Even when we sleep.
But to breathe consciously provides a whole
different physical experience.
(Especially needed at this time of year!)

When I start breathing consciously, I
literally feel like I am coming up from being held under water.
I see more clearly.
The brain fog lifts and my mind stills.
I feel peace, I find gratitude, I release resentments
Even if I have to do it over and over again each hour of each day
this is how I am learning to let go, to be true
to come apart (from myself for a moment) and rebuild.
With that weight lifted, I can be better, do better,
step out of my comfort zone 
(my oh so comfortable, warm and cozy, zone)
and be who I am meant to be...
One breath at a time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Spirit of Small Business

I do have to preface this by saying that I have a small business.
Two, as a matter of fact,very small, at-home businesses.
Nobody will be occupying my front yard in the near future.

I can not be the only one feeling this giant shift in our universe.
The rising up of the people.
The shift in power from big business to business next door.

We have learned that big business has one concern...
Big Business.
Correction...Bigger Business.
Although not every one
(many are doing very good things, so I don't take issue with ALL big business).

We have all watched the news these past few years...
we all know what's been going on.
It's pretty ugly...
as with almost everything, it has to get ugly,
it has to break down before we can build it back up.

We are venturing into a whole new world.
A world where we stay up to date with our friends on Facebook, we Skype,
we text and we Twitter.
Call it what you want, but we are all communicating.
We are re-connected with long lost friends and relatives.
We are invested in each other's lives...that's not a bad thing!
And everyday people are as interesting as celebrities
(okay, more interesting than celebrities, and yes, I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians)
Ever wonder why reality shows are so popular? Real people, real lives (sort of)

Never is it more important to our economy, our cities, our neighborhoods
to be supportive of your spirited small business owner.
To support your neighbors and your friends.

Why are they doing what they do? 
Passion.  Love of Service.  Desire to control their own destiny.
Sure, they want to make a good living.
Who doesn't!
But I would venture to guess that these same people work 100 hour work weeks,
comp a dinner for great customers here and there,
make free deliveries because it is good business, discount their products because the economy is bad,
yet they still donate what they can to community interests,
volunteer, and give back as much as they can to the very people who support them.
All at the expense of their bottom line.
They do it because they know it makes them good neighbors.
Some (many) small business owners work from home (like me)
with no brick and mortar...only a computer and a cell phone.
They are just as important to the local economy, just as involved and offering goods and services while cutting out the middle man.  Business in its purest form, man!

Why WOULDN'T we want to support these people?
Yes, there is upheaval on Wall Street, people are angry with the government,
the tax code is all wrong, prices are going up,
but every day people, aligned with their passion,
are opening and operating their own small businesses.
Their success ensures our success as a country.
Their success ensures or two at a time, sometimes, but jobs.
Their success means they are invested in the future of our cities and towns.
They are shopping locally too, because they GET IT!

We can all boost each other up the rungs of the rung at a time.
We can also support our fellow small businesses....even if they are our competitors.
You wanna know why? Because business for one is business for all.
We are all part of the big picture.
When I worked for a small downtown clothing store, and a new clothing store opened
down the street, my customers asked all the time
"Ooh...are you worried about the competition?"
More competition means more choice,
which brings out more shoppers, gets more attention, gets the wheels turning and invites more
business, more traffic...and on and on!
And if there is one thing I have learned it is that
the good we put out will come back to us tenfold...

If you have a chance this holiday season, and you have a choice,
please think of your local small business owner...
(and don't tell me you don't want to leave your excuses.
Most savvy small businesses have their own websites and many offer online shopping!)
We will all be thankful!