As with most of us, I have so many things to be thankful for that I take for granted every day.
Too bad for us that it takes a holiday to remember
to be content and grateful for the blessings we have.
My gratitude is going to take a different turn today.
I have more blessings and love than I can fathom.
I have family and friends, a home, good kids
I can eat this holiday.
I won't be hungry.
I wont be in pain.
I won't be cold.
That in itself is enough.
My gratitude today is for things like this...
I am thankful I have had my feelings hurt,
it gives me empathy.
I am thankful for loss,
it gives me perspective.
I am thankful for death,
it gives me reverence for life.
I am thankful for pain,
it makes me humble.
I am thankful for suffering,
it makes me more spiritual.
I am thankful for sickness,
it makes me appreciate health.
I am thankful for hatred,
it allows me to understand love.
I am thankful for war,
it makes me crave peace.
I am thankful for what is messy and chaotic,
it makes me seek calm.
I am thankful for what is messy and chaotic,
it makes me seek calm.
I am grateful today that I have seen all kinds of ugly in this world,
for it makes the beauty more vibrant,
more important,
more sacred.
Yes, count your blessings today dear friends...
but thank your troubles too.
They have a purpose.
They teach us to search for OUR purpose.
It's all in how you look at it.
Happy Thanksgiving 2012
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