Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Humor Me....Why I Love What I Do and Why You Might Too...

I haven't blogged in a long time,
but I feel compelled to write about something some of you
may see as self-serving.
 I ask that you indulge me anyway,
because there is a lot of misinformation out there
and I believe I am uniquely qualified to address it.

Two years ago I started a network marketing business.
I have enjoyed great support from friends and family,
have become part of, and built a team of really abundant thinking people.
I have been able to tap into some of the best training I have ever had

I have also had several people tell me that my industry is a 
pyramid scam (illegal btw, so take that off your worry list),
that few ever succeed, that it is slimy and that
the only way to make money is to get people to join you in business or
bug them to buy your products.

I am willing to forgive them their ignorance.
They don't understand this business like I do and I want to tell you why.

My father spent 37 years as a franchisee of one of
the most recognized brands in the world.
I worked for him for 12 of them. 
I have nothing but respect for the company, especially since it supported my family
growing up, but I watched him work hard for years and come out of it with less than he deserved.

When I started my own "franchise" via the network marketing model
I became acutely aware of both the similarities and differences
in this model and the traditional franchise model.

Most don't see network marketing businesses as a form of
franchise, but I sure do.
However...I tend to think of it as a franchise in the best sense of the word.

I was able to start my business for under $1000.
Most network marketing companies allow you to do this.
The initial fee to join and get a business kit is extremely affordable when you compare
it to a traditional franchise (which will cost anywhere from $100,000 to $1,000,000 depending on the franchise).
My dad's franchise fee was several thousand dollars even in 1971.
Once he got the approval of the company, he took out building loans, had to buy equipment, hire employees, buy the food, advertise and put in hours of work just to open the doors.
And then he still had to pay the company flat rent and a percentage of sales, a percentage for 
national advertising, insurance, payroll, accounting fees, supplies, and on and on.

Over the years he was required to re-invest as operating systems and menus changed.
He had to rebuild three of his eight stores and remodel all of them at least every 
seven years. 
New menu initiatives meant new equipment and entire kitchen remodels,
often at six-figures per store.
After 37 years of living his American dream what did he have to show for it? A mountain of debt.
And he was a successful franchisee.
One who the company approved for additional stores over the
years and gave good ratings to.
Ty and I are now franchisees with a different restaurant, and while we love it, the same financial "stuff" applies...albeit on a much smaller scale. Cash flow is a constant concern for any small business owner. A week of bad weather, spring break when almost the entire town leaves, road construction in front of your store, etc., etc., etc., all have an impact on sales.
This is not a complaint. We love our business and the community we serve. It is reality however, and it makes me even more appreciative of my network marketing business.

With my network marketing business I get to tap into the same brand recognition
and integrity that my dad did.
But...I don't pay for advertising. I don't pay employees, insurance or loans.
My "investment" per month goes to my website fee and products I
use for myself or to let others sample...all of which I can write off.
My customers also benefit. They don't have to pay for all
the advertising and layers of management salaries
hidden in the cost of the product.
(Did you know that only a tiny percentage of the cost of a product on a store
shelf is actually the ingredients and packaging? The majority of what you pay is the cost of telling
you to buy the product and where to buy it).
My customers pay for the product and I get a commission from it.
They can even return it for a full refund if they are not satisfied.
That's it.

I determine how well I succeed.
I get to share my business with others who want excellent
products or the same business opportunity I have. 
I am invested in their success and would love nothing
more than to see them experience more success than I have.

THEY determine the pace of their work.
THEY determine how much or how little they want to work their business.
They are their own bosses, but I am there for support should they desire it.
Those who don't succeed either never start, or they quit too soon.
That or they just don't believe in what they are doing and 
don't put in the effort to build their business.
Either way, it is their business and no one tells them what to do.

After 35 years in my dad's business the company told him,
post two major surgeries and lengthy recoveries,
that he needed to spend more time in the office and his stores.

He finally decided to sell and retire.
You can bet the company determined who he could sell to and how much he 
could sell for.
And after that he had to pay off his large debt from required reinvestment.

With my business I can will it to my children and I never have to quit.
If I am willing to put in the work up front, I can relax and still enjoy
the  fruits of that labor until I die.

The people on my team can make more money than I do
if they so desire. The beauty is that it is up to them.
Nobody has to ask for a raise.
Nobody has performance reviews or action plans.
There is no reason for a human resources department
in my business.

There is a reason this industry is gaining ground in this day in age.
There is a reason people are seeking something more from their work.
Something in the form of flexibility and possibility.
They are seeking a turn-key franchise opportunity
without all the hidden costs and debt-load.
They want a support system of individuals who
care about them and their success,
not just the bottom line.

So...does this model work for everyone? No.
It won't work for those who are not self-disciplined and willing to
face rejection
(yes, people say no to me, but I don't take it personally)
It won't work for someone who wants a get-rich-quick scheme.
(it takes a solid 3 to 5 years for most to build a business that supports them.
Some do it in far less time, but that is the norm)
It won't work for the lazy, the unmotivated and
the person looking for someone else to do the hard stuff.

It won't work if you don't invest some time and effort.
They say entrepreneurs who succeed are willing to do the work
that others aren't willing to do, in order to live the kind of life
others won't be able to live.

The people who start their own network marketing businesses do it for a lot
of admirable reasons...
they want to supplement their incomes and/or build an income
that replaces their traditional job.
They may just want extra income for kid's extra-curricular
activities or their own fun money.
Many use their businesses to fund causes they are passionate about
and help those less fortunate than them.

Most network marketers are women. Many are mothers who
desire more freedom with their schedule to
be there for their families.

I have yet to meet a person in my industry who does this just to make money.
Their "whys" are much bigger than a paycheck.
They are working to live not living to work.

The next time one of your friends or acquaintances approaches you
about the products they love to represent, or the
business opportunity they are passionate about
please give them the benefit of the doubt and listen.

You may be helping them afford lessons for their child,
or fund their dreams to adopt,
or raise money for a special charity.
You may be helping a mother stay home with her children,
or a father keep from having to work hours in a second job
to pay bills.

These are your friends and neighbors. They are asking you to
consider putting money you
would all ready be spending on products you need, towards something
meaningful. They are asking you to keep your dollars local instead of
funding the salary of a big company CEO.
If your best friend opened a restaurant I am sure you would eat there
to support them and tell everyone you know to do the same.
This is no different.

this blog entry is self-serving.
I have a network marketing business and I have a desire to succeed.
I would love to have others join me in business because I love helping them realize their dreams.
I have found my passion is supporting and training others to have successful businesses of their own.
I would love for you to try my products because they have worked for me
and I am proud to stand behind them.

I believe in the industry I have become a part of and
I try to support others who sell products through their own
home-based network marketing businesses...whether it is clothes,
bags, cookwear or supplements.
And I think you should too.

And no...when I signed up I didn't join a cult or
drink some funny Kool-Aid.
I took my experience in the franchise world
and I looked at what I do now through those eyes.

One final thought...
If you were hired by, say, Nike, and they asked you,
in your job description, to wear the clothes and shoes and
learn what you could about their company, then go out and recruit
people to hire.
They asked you to find people who would be great brand ambassadors to help
them increase their market share (as if they need to, but stay with me here).

When you did that, successfully recruited and trained people to work in sales for them,
you would be paid a bonus.
In addition, you could sell Nike apparel and make a commission of what you sell.
You might even get a raise if you were good at what you did.
You would think that was a pretty respectable job, wouldn't you!

I am doing the same thing.

 only the up side...
I don't have to wait for someone else to offer me a raise.
I determine that all on my own.

Stepping off the soapbox now.
Carry on...


Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Thanksgiving Prayer

As with most of us, I have so many things to be thankful for that I take for granted every day.
Too bad for us that it takes a holiday to remember
to be content and grateful for the blessings we have.

My gratitude is going to take a different turn today.
I have more blessings and love than I can fathom.
I have family and friends, a home, good kids 
I can eat this holiday.
I won't be hungry.
I wont be in pain.
I won't be cold.
That in itself is enough.

My gratitude today is for things like this...

I am thankful I have had my feelings hurt,
it gives me empathy.

I am thankful for loss,
it gives me perspective.

I am thankful for death,
it gives me reverence for life.

I am thankful for pain,
it makes me humble.

I am thankful for suffering,
it makes me more spiritual.

I am thankful for sickness,
it makes me appreciate health.

I am thankful for hatred,
it allows me to understand love.

I am thankful for war,
it makes me crave peace.

I am thankful for what is messy and chaotic,
it makes me seek calm.

I am grateful today that I have seen all kinds of ugly in this world,
for it makes the beauty more vibrant,
more important,
more sacred.

Yes, count your blessings today dear friends...
but thank your troubles too.
They have a purpose. 
They teach us to search  for OUR purpose.

It's all in how you look at it.

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sanity in Sweat

(This one's for you Emily!)

Yoga has become my Xanax.
Absolutely critical to this girl's sanity.
My family  has gone so far as to say
"Ummm...we like you so much better on yoga"

But, it does make for easy leaving the house
when I say I am headed to a yoga class!
They're all like
"Go! Really! You don't want to be late! Go, go!"

Am I really that bad without it?
Apparently so.
I have said it here before
(and this isn't original by any means)
that my mind is a dangerous neighborhood,
and I shouldn't go in there alone.

In yoga...
hot yoga, to be exact,
there is no time to meander into that neighborhood.
Too much brain power is focused on 
remaining standing during balancing poses.
Stretching further, shifting focus,
 and breathing.

Breathing through discomfort.
 Not pain...that's a no go.
But discomfort is where you grow in yoga.
And the breath is 
critical to improving.

The breath is critical to everything.

Sounds positively torturous, I know.
But in getting so deep into yoga,
you get out of your head.
It's almost magic.

Left with nothing to do but focus on balancing on one foot,
the mind is both focused,
yet unbelievably freed.

These past two weeks I have only been able to get in two
yoga classes per week.
Trust me...the family is getting impatient.
They discreetly ask if I am going to yoga each day.

Yoga began as the exercise done to tire the body
prior to meditation.
To wear the body and the mind out so it could finally be

Those early yogis were on to something,
and it is no wonder we seek the calm that comes from 
an hour and fifteen minutes of pure sweat and 
supine twists.

I know what you are thinking...
the same thing I used to think when runners said
they got a "high"...from running.
I was thinking "You're high"

Now I get it.
I get that no matter what your "thing" is,
yoga, running, knitting, reading
whatever it is that gets you out of your head
 and into your soul

That's the thing worth doing.

Us yoga junkies and running fanatics,
triathletes and bodybuilders,
girls in the knitting circle and eight book clubs...
we just found a different way to escape the mind
and find the peace.

One. Breath. At. A. Time.

Watch out big pharma!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How About Giving This Snowball A Chance In Hell

There is an old zen saying that goes something like this... Whatever you are for, strengthens you and whatever you are against, weakens you.

I had no intention of sitting down today to write.
Frankly, I cannot read any more political posts.
From the gloaters or the poor losers alike.
  I certainly don't want to add to the
collective eye-rolling occurring in front of computer screens everywhere,
but I just couldn't get this out of my head
and it had to come out somehow...
that is just how a writer's brain works.
My apologies in advance if you are at the edge of the cliff, but give it a read until the end...
You might have a change of heart.

As if we all weren't tired enough of the months (that felt like decades) of
really awful political ads and fear-mongering from both sides,
today we get to see people either melt down
or do the social media version of
"Na na na na na na!"

My children...
Time out.

Life. Goes. On.

Here is my challenge today.
However yesterday came out for you
(and please be reminded that I am sitting here, the wife of a candidate 
who lost a local election so I  do kind of get it...)
Sit with your good self and think about this...

What are you for?
Not what you are angry about.
Not what you think is going to happen to our great nation,
or state, county or city.
Not what mistakes have been made,
and how the other guy is going to mess things up.
Not how mad you are and how you got cheated and need revenge.
Nor how awesome it is to see that other guy lose,
and how vindicated you are that your guy won.
Don't give any more thought to lies that were told on either side.

Think instead today about this...
What are you for?
That which we are for strengthens us.
That which we are against weakens us.

Go out today. 
Make a little shift in that thinking brain of yours...
see what happens...

Really, what do we have to lose?

Consciously become  pro-peace, pro-freedom, 
 pro-love,  pro-happiness, pro-health,

Pro-all of us together.

I am no pacivist  nor misplaced hippie child, but I 
do believe that what we are doin' just ain't workin' 
and it can't hurt to try something a little bit different.

Advocating for instead of fighting against might really give
some good things a chance in our little corner of the world.

Like attracts like,
and the snowball grows and
starts to roll downhill,
building momentum,
gaining speed,
gaining good...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bitch, please...

I have been somewhat dismayed as of late
with members of my gender and their behavior.
When did it become okay to be a bitch?
When did it become acceptable to be mean girls...
as adults?

 I am at a loss.
I have heard things and witnessed things recently that make me ashamed to be
And I am not talking about the crap on TV like Real Housewives.
This is stuff that happens every day without any cameras rolling for effect.

I have many female friends who are lovely, kind, compassionate
human beings.
Women who go out of their way to be nice,
who are the first to help out a friend and who live the golden rule.
These women inspire me to be a better woman.
A better person.
So I know it is not every woman, and I am not trying to make a sweeping generalization,

but, if you would allow me to take a few minutes to
...bitch about bitches
I would like to get something off my chest...

it is not okay to belittle, demean,, back stab and complain about other women
because you feel that bad about yourself.

it is not okay to spread hurtful gossip just because it gives you something to talk about
and you think it makes you sound interesting.

it is not okay to act like a spoiled 14 year old when you are 44.

It is not okay to take out your personal insecurities on other women, men or children,
for God's sake.


it is not okay to use social media to passively-aggressively
work out your issues with other women.
Stop "unfriending" and "blocking"
Stop posting sarcastic quotes and having little inside jokes online with the rest of
your witchy friends.

Stop texting your grievances, stop bullying and badgering.
Stop acting like you are entitled. Stop assuming.
Stop being righteous and pompous and rude.

Enough all ready.

You are making us all look bad.

We all do enough damage to our own egos on a daily basis.
We don't need your help destroying them any further.

And, frankly, it is hard enough to raise a daughter and get her through her teen
years unscathed, that I really don't want her to think she is going to have to 
put up with this crap her whole life.

if you are a bitch.
Or have been bitchy to someone
(except, of course, during a certain time of the month when, let's be honest, some of it just can't be helped but is usually reserved for our husbands...poor guys)

Do me a favor...
Read the Prayer of St. Francis.
Aspire to live in a way that assumes we are all struggling and all could use
a kind word, the benefit of the doubt, and 
some general compassion now and then.

Lift up other women and show our daughters that as a gender,
we can be the strongest force in the universe
when we use our power for good instead of evil.

And the next time you are the target for some 
she-dragon spewing fire
say a little prayer for her soul.

She must hate herself something awful,
to be spreading so much toxic energy.

She needs as much love as you do, and probably more.
Steer clear of her path, for sure,
but send her blessings from afar.

And last, but by God, not least...

look yourself in the mirror and make friends with that girl.
She needs you and you need her.

And maybe if you are best friends with her, you won't feel so alone 
and ready to do battle with the rest of our half of the 
human race.

okay...I'm done bitching.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Busy Signal

I haven't blogged in awhile.  A long while.
I took the summer off.
Had good intentions, but summer got in the way., driving children, camps, pool time etc.
And then came August. And September.
And...what the hell!!
One kid in high school, one in middle school,
one "part time" gig that kind of took over,
a husband running for county office,
a house on the market
I am being punished for my summer of fun.

SO here I sit with nothing of importance on my mind
except that I am tired.
And sniffly (allergies...baaaad allergies)
I am not trying to wear my worn out like a badge of honor,
because, frankly, we are all that way.
We are all tired,
We are all a little bit sick, or stuffy.
We are all frazzled and wondering why we do this to ourselves
yet have no idea how to stop.

It is the norm.
And I don't think it it going to get better in our lifetime.
Our kids don't know any different, so maybe we are just that 
in between generation.
The generation who is still looking around ourselves like
"what happened?"
The generation who grew up without cell phones, computers and
call waiting and answering machines.
If you called and got a busy signal, you had to waaaaaiiiitttt
to call back and hope they were still home when you did.
Remember that feeling when you kept dialing and getting that annoying busy tone? Agonizing!
We are the confused and teensy bit resentful crew.
The ones who love the convenience of our "time saving" devices,
but who can't understand why our children have no patience or ability to plan and think ahead more than 15 minutes.
When have they ever had to? 
When has everything not been right at their little fingertips and happening in real time?

In high school, we actually had to make a plan at the school for weekend activities...when we actually saw our friends face to face because we would have to call their house after school, and unless they had a teen line, chances were that we weren't getting through.
Or we drove around on the weekend until we found someone out doing the same thing we were...sometimes that took hours. 
But we were perfectly content to hang in there and wait in case
something came up.
 So do we give it up and quit complaining about this frenzied
life pace. Keep up the race pace and just hope we don't puke right before the finish line,
or do we try to buck the trend and slow it way down.
There just are not enough hours in the day to do everything we have to do, let alone everything we want to do,
so why try?
Just do what we can and the rest be damned.

Yep...I feel like doing that every day.
Will it ever happen?
Not a chance.

Monday, June 25, 2012

It's Complicated

It's messy.
People get sick, people hurt each other.
We fail ourselves, we fail classes and jobs.

We assume motives and create stories
that might not be real.

We become addicted to things...
alcohol, people, technology, 

We blame, we envy, we pretend.

We all do it, and we all have it.
The complicated stuff of life.

Yet we insist on assuming that other people's lives
are so much easier than ours.
We look at them with longing for how joyful and simple 
their existence must be, when we really should remember
that everybody is struggling with something.

How much happier would we be
if we all could find a way
to uncomplicate
the complicated.

To assume no motive.
Instead forgive the inner struggle.

To give up envy
and water our own gardens so we can
have gratitude for
what is beautiful about our own life.

To love ourselves enough
that we don't have to try to
find it in a bottle, a bag or a bum
 because we
are always going to 
come up empty.

To be brave enough to be real.
Even though real
isn't always pretty.

And to remember
that we are all just trying to
find a dream.

We all have been put here
with lessons to learn.

Our job of life is to learn them.
Not blame others for them.
Not cry and whine because it isn't easy.
Learn them and move on.

Learn them and live.
Learn them and 
thank your lucky stars.

As unfair as it is,
I think those who are dying
are some of the most blessed.

Faced with death, 
life becomes amazingly simple.
Love is all there is.

The rest is just....