I am not often truly humbled...
Today I am HUMBLED.
It takes a lot of years to learn the lessons I have learned in life.
I wish I had learned so many of them earlier...it would have saved me so much pain,
but then again, I would not have learned the lessons
were it not FOR the pain.
All the mistakes, the wrongs I have done,
the people I have hurt, the people who have hurt me...
the disappointments, the disasters,
the really, really hard lessons,
the fear and the fallouts
They were all necessary to get me to here.
Each one of them has been a part of my personal, monogrammed path
to the person I am today.
How I wish this girl was perfect!
Alas...she is not. She is a FAR cry from
She is a little more weathered than perfect,
but thanks to good skincare, she has masked that a little :)
What she is...after all of of the
quizzes and tests of life
the A's and B's and F's
is 44 years of
I like Facebook (okay...some might say I am slightly addicted...Ty...)
it's a lot of good things...
but, by far, the best of Facebook is the
birthday greetings from friends far and wide.
I am unbelievably humbled as I read the messages from people I
love and admire...and some I only know slightly.
And I realize that what it is
in this messed up world we live upon
so I say
to everyone who has crossed my path,
to those of you who have been my teachers
in the school of life.
to those who have showed me what love is,
and even to those who have shown hate, resentment and disgust
you have all been a part of the lessons
of 44 years of one little life.
If I have
It is that you take a look at your life
Take stock of the good, the bad and the ugly...the blessings and the banes
and realize everything has been a lesson
have gratitude for every part of it
For every one of those things has made you who you are today.
And today, you all ROCK!
Okay.... I will stop before the sappiness is RUNNING off of me :)
Blessing dear friends.